Widow Financial Planning
After the loss of a spouse, many decisions that were once made as a team rest solely on the living partner. This responsibility may be entirely new or at least difficult amid the pain of the loss. It is important however for a widow to become familiar with her financial situation relatively soon after the loss of her loved one. As the days pass, important financial decisions must be made but should not be made hastily as they could carry implications into your future.
Amid the pain of losing your spouse, as a widow, it is important for you to start to evaluate your financial situation. One of the most important professionals you should engage after the death of your husband is a Widow Financial Planner. Enlist the help of a Financial Planner for Widows who you feel comfortable with and who you can be confident with to assess your current financial situation as well as the impact of your husband’s passing on your future financials. A Widow Financial Planner, can help you tackle the financial decisions that need to be made immediately, as well as advise you in how to manage finances, investments, retirement plans and other factors moving forward.
As you move forward in your new life, it is important to find someone who you can have confidence with and value to give you the financial advice that you need. You will probably have a lot of financial questions, including understanding the following:
Probate the will
Pension survivor benefits
Social Security spousal benefits
Life Insurance proceeds
Changing the title on your home and other assets
Changing over bills and paying them on time
Reviewing loans and other financial obligations
Cancelling payments
And much more…
The loss of a husband is one of the most stressful events that a woman can face, but Widow Financial Planner, Betty Azmoon has been working with widows in Orange County for over 25 years. She can help you overcome your fears, understand your options and provide a smooth roadmap for your finances moving forward.